A blue toothbrush with a white handle and tube of toothpaste next to an illustration of a tooth on a light blue background.


A blue toothbrush with a white handle and tube of toothpaste next to an illustration of a tooth on a light blue background.

Invisalign® is a form of orthodontic treatment that works to correct many different types of malocclusions through the use of a series of clear plastic trays called aligners. As a more discreet, comfortable and completely removable method of care, Invisalign aligners provide an effective alternative to traditional orthodontic braces and metal wires for certain types of malocclusions.

Developed by a team of Stanford University students, the advanced 3D imaging, modeling, and aligner technology that defines the Invisalign system of care was introduced to the public in the year 2000. Since that time, it has become an extremely popular option in care.

Invisalign uses advanced 3-D computer imaging technology to formulate a sequence of custom-made clear aligners. The aligners, each of which is worn for a couple of weeks, incrementally move the teeth into place until the final desired corrections are reached. The advantage and appeal of the Invisalign method are that the clear aligners are more cosmetic, comfortable and convenient than other orthodontic appliances and operate with minimal interference to daily activities. Invisalign allows teens and adults to enjoy eating all of their favorite foods, and engage in sports without the fear of breaking their orthodontic appliances or sharp poking wires. Moreover, as the aligners are completely removable, tooth brushing and flossing are much easier as there is no need to clean in between any attached orthodontic brackets or wires.

*Invisalign is a registered trademark of Align Technology, Inc.

Frequently Asked Questions

I want to straighten my teeth but I don't want metal braces. What are the alternatives?


There are many options for patients who want to avoid metal braces! The most popular alternative orthodontic treatment is Invisalign®, which are clear plastic aligners designed to straighten teeth. After an examination of your teeth, your dentist will determine which option is best suited to your wants and needs.

Is Invisalign® expensive?


According to the Invisalign® website, the cost for treatment is approximately the same as the cost for metal braces. A portion of this cost may be covered by your insurance. Please call us to set up a consultation and discuss potential payment plan options.

How does Invisalign® work?


The first step is to schedule a consultation with your doctor, so they can devise a treatment plan that is best suited to your individual dental needs. Once approved, you will receive your first set of aligners. Your doctor will then regularly monitor the movement of your teeth and new aligners will be ordered according to the progress made in your treatment plan.

What is Invisalign® made of?


Invisalign® aligners are made of clear, flexible plastic. The company received a patent for this material – SmartTrack® – to be used exclusively for Invisalign treatment purposes. These aligners are FDA approved and nearly invisible!

How long does Invisalign® treatment take?


Your doctor will give you an estimate regarding how long your Invisalign® treatment should take, which will depend on your specific needs. The average length of time for treatment is approximately 12-18 months. However, some patients may see results far sooner. Remember to wear your aligners exactly as instructed by your doctor to obtain the best results.

Are Invisalign® results permanent?


Your doctor will most likely recommend that you wear retainers following your Invisalign® treatment. This is a precaution that will prevent your teeth from shifting back to their original positioning. It is important to follow your doctor's instructions exactly to ensure long-lasting results.

How often must I wear my aligners?


You must wear your aligners for up to 22 hours daily. You may remove them for eating, drinking and regular oral hygiene.

Are there any restrictions to what I can eat while in treatment?


No. Unlike braces, you may eat whatever you like as long as you remove the aligners before eating. Prior to placing the aligners back on, it is important to brush your teeth and the aligners after you eat.

Will wearing the aligners affect my speech?


Like any orthodontic treatment, there is a short adjustment period. The more you speak with the aligners on, the quicker you will adjust.

Is there any discomfort with Invisalign® treatment?


There will be some pressure and minor discomfort for a day or two after each initial insertion. This is a sign that your teeth are moving sequentially into their final position.

Can I chew gum?


It is recommended that you remove your aligners prior to chewing gum as the gum will stick to the aligners.

Can I smoke with the aligners in?


We discourage smoking with aligners as the cigarette smoke will tend to discolor them.

How do I keep my aligners clean?


Brushing them with toothpaste will keep them fresh and clean.

How often do I see an orthodontist while wearing Invisalign®


Regular office visits are every five to six weeks. This will ensure that your Invisalign treatment is progressing as planned.

What happens after my treatment is complete? Do I need retainers?


All orthodontic patients are instructed to wear their retainers at night indefinitely. Sleeping with your retainers in at night will ensure a healthy bite and maintain the new position of your teeth.

Does Invisalign work for kids?


Yes, if their teeth, including second molars, have grown in completely.

Contact Us

Schedule your appointment today! Give us a call to get started.

Zimmerman Family Dentistry 114 W Penn Street, Martinsburg, PA 16662